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What are Some of My Questions About Religions?

How does one address this topic without "stepping on some or everyone's toes?" 1 certainly don't mean to offend and I don't I deny anyone the right to their spiritual leanings or beliefs. Nonetheless, I wonder if a lot of people have questions similar to the ones I shall now raise, but keep them to themselves for fear that they will be "stepping on some or everyone's toes.

The first question that comes to my mind is, since there hundreds of different religions, and each of them has their own principles and beliefs, does that mean they all have different gods? If so, which God is right? Or, though there are many religions, do they all pray to the same God, but express themselves differently in ritual, prayer, and other religious practices?

Further, although everybody is entitled to their own faith, and their own beliefs, why are some so dogmatic to think that they are" right" and everybody else is wrong, because they don't believe in their similar faith. After all, the word" faith" is not a scientific word, it is a" belief" word based upon what you know and what you feel. What right does anyone have to declare that their strong feelings are the only correct belief?

People have different political beliefs, different moral valuations, and many other different principles. So long as they do not break any laws, they are entitled to proceed down their own "personal road," but no right to mandate that others must join them.

This whole subject of "faith" and" belief" raises other issues. How did they come about? When it comes to religion, is it not true that we usually adopt the faith of our parents because we happen to be born into that family? What if we had been born to a different family kaarlat if that family did not believe in God and religion at all? Then what?

I read a book written by a scientist, who said that he believes in God, because science only go so far and then it leaves open further questions. It is his belief that where science leaves, God begins and knit the existence of God is the only explanation. That may very well be true, but who is God, what is God has God always existed in God exist before after the beginning of time or is it possible that guided time existed forever and shall continue to do so?

I don't have any answers. I can only raise these questions concerning ideologues. I don't mean to "step on anyone's toes, but I feel it is necessary to express my feelings concerning religious extremists.


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